M20 - Trifid nebula
Aktualna ocena:
Oddanych głosów: 20
Oddanych głosów: 20
Zamknięto już głosowanie na to zdjęcie
Komentarzy: | 2 |
W ulubionych: | 1 |
Wyświetleń: | 5018 |
Komentarze do zdjęcia
Hello Piotr, thank you very much for your comment. We were on the Korcula island on regular astro-trip, 4 guys, motor home, wild nature. Unfortunately mainly because of the weather it didn't fulfill our expectations. We'd also welcome some get-together with our hobby.
It's nice to see astrophotos from holiday sites, good luck. I hope one day we will have an opportunity to take photos together.